Sibling Support
Keeping Your Family Connected
One of the hardest things that comes with having a preemie is how to manage your time with your first babies, while focusing on the intensive care of your preemie.
Our NICU at Mary Washington Hospital, does not permit siblings under 12 inside, and for good reason. It is hard to know exactly what germs a child has come into contact that day at daycare or at school. Although heartbreaking for my 10-year-old step daughter, Jaylin, she understood. Her way of coping with this was by coming to the hallway of the NICU as much as she could. She would beeline right for the spot where we told her Penelope's incubator was. Jaylin would talk to her, pray for her, tell her stories, or just do her homework. Sometimes she would just start crying, but we got through it. 53 days later, Jaylin was prepared to be the BEST big sister in the world!
Below you will find links to books, articles, blog posts and ideas to help keep all of your little ones connected during your NICU stay. If you have any ideas, please e-mail them to us so we can add them!.
NICU Sibling Books
A list of great titles and amazon links!
Fun activities for siblings to make for incubators, or to share with friends and family!
Articles for parents to read to help support their older siblings transition with have a sibling in the NICU.